
1-pager custom Go-To-Market strategy canvas
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Go-to-market strategy is a business model that helps determine whether a new product will be demanded by the target audience

The segmentable approach will help you understand
1. What is the largest audience segment in terms of money that would be best served by a product with your set of features and characteristics?
2. How direct competitors are meeting the needs of the key segment
3. Whether there are other market niches and large segments whose needs are not yet being met.
4. How to prioritize the development of your product’s features to best satisfy your target segment.
5. What is the highest price for your product that will meet the expectations of customers in your target segment?
Get for free math model how to beat key competitors
Segmentable build a competitive strategy in a week, not half a year

Just give links to your and your competitor's sites and see what happens next

Day 1−2: Identify audience segments and their specific needs

Day 3−4: Analyze how competitors satisfy these needs

Day 5: Present the math model during the call and send all documents after
Сase of Revolut form UK and international money transfer market. PDF, 50.1 MB

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Segmentable reviews

Jacques Ludik

Segmentable is great product that bring altogether marketing methodology and AI technology
Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence

"Segmentable is fast and accurate. It gives you product insights that you would never get in dozens researches or interviews"


Bocharov consulting, LLC
333 3rd Ave N, St.Petersburg, FL The United States of America
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